Advise and Advice

What is the difference between advise and advice?


Advise is a verb. The verb to advise means to give advice. For example:


Advice is a noun. It means help or a suggestion for a beneficial course of action.

Advise and Advice

There is often confusion over the words advise and advice. The very quick answer is this:


The word advise is a verb meaning to give advice. (It rhymes with prize.) To advise can also mean to notify (e.g., I advised him I was leaving.)



The word advice is a noun meaning a suggestion for a beneficial course of action. (Advice rhymes with mice.)


A Quick Test

A Little Trick To Spot Advice

Try using the word assistance instead of advice. If the sentence still makes sense, then advice is almost certainly correct. (This trick works because advice is a noun, just like the word assistance.)

A Little Trick to Spot Advise

Try using the verb to assist (in its various forms, e.g., assisting, assisted, assists) instead of advise. If the sentence still makes sense, then advise is almost certainly correct. However, if you find yourself trying to use assistance, then you should be using advice (because both are nouns). (This trick works because to advise is a verb, just like to assist.)

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See Also

What are nouns? What are verbs? List of easily confused words