Utmost or Upmost?

What is the difference between utmost and upmost?

Utmost means of the greatest degree or most extreme. For example: Upmost means at the highest or most upward position. For example:

Utmost or Upmost?

The words utmost and upmost are often confused because they sound similar and their meanings are close. However, they are not interchangeable.


The adjective utmost means of the greatest degree or most extreme. Utmost is a superlative. (Although rare, it can also be used as a noun.)



The adjective upmost means located at the top, highest, or most upward position. The word upmost is far rarer than utmost (evidence). (NB: Upmost is mostly seen when mistakenly used for utmost.)


Upmost Importance or Utmost Importance?

Writers are often confused whether to write utmost importance or upmost importance. The correct version is utmost importance as this means importance to the greatest degree. Remember, the word upmost is reserved for the highest physical location (as opposed to the greatest degree).

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See Also

What are adjectives? What is a superlative? List of easily confused words