Assonance Examples

What is Assonance?

Assonance is a stylistic literary technique in which neighbouring words repeat the same vowel sound.

Assonance is used for emphasis or to make a sentence more pleasing to the ear. It is used in every day language, poetry, and literature. To form assonance, we need two or more words that stress the same vowel sound. It's important to focus on the sound rather than the letter because it is the sound that catches the audience's attention.

Assonance Examples

More Assonance Examples

Below are more examples of assonance:

A Quick Test


Assonance is far more subtle than alliteration. Often, your readers will not spot it. So, if you're going to invest time in creating assonance, make sure it's obvious enough to be noticed. Used sparingly in business writing (e.g., once in a document), assonance can: Here is an example of how assonance might look in a business document:


While assonance can be a great way to make your writing memorable, overuse might portray your work as flippant. Use assonance very sparingly to ensure it stays effective.

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See Also

What is consonance? What is a logosglyph? What is alliteration? Glossary of grammatical terms