Indicative Mood

What Is the Indicative Mood? (with Examples)

The indicative mood is a verb form which makes a statement or asks a question. For example: The vast majority of sentences are in the indicative mood.

The main verb (i.e., the finite verb) in a declarative sentence (a statement) or an interrogative sentence (a question) will be in the indicative mood.

Examples of Verbs in the Indicative Mood

Here are some more examples of verbs in the indicative mood (shaded):

What Is Mood?

Mood is the form a verb takes to show how it is to be regarded (e.g., as a fact, a command, a wish, an uncertainty).

There are three major moods in English:

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See Also

What is mood? What are finite verbs? What is the imperative mood? What is the subjunctive mood? What is an interrogative sentence? What is an exclamatory sentence? What is an imperative sentence? What is a declarative sentence?Glossary of grammatical terms