Definition of Preposition (with Examples)

Definition of Preposition (with Examples)

Prepositions are usually short words (e.g., on, in, at, about, for). Prepositions are placed before a noun to show that noun's relationship to something else in the sentence. For example: The noun governed by a preposition (which nearly always follows the preposition) is known as the object of the preposition. For example:

A List of Common Prepositions

Here is a list of common prepositions:

about, above, across, after, along, among, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, except, for, from, in, in front of, inside, into, of, off, on, onto, out of, outside, over, past, since, through, to, toward, under, up, upon, with, within, without.

A Quick Test


The object of a preposition is always in the objective case. Therefore, who never follows a preposition. You must use whom after a preposition.

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See Also

Advice or advise? List of easily confused words